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Parallel Lines

My Single cover

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Parallel Lines

My Music video

Parallel Lines

My Audiovisual 

Parallel Lines


500 Terry Francois St.
San Francisco, CA 94158





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Hello, this section will introduce me a little bit more as an artist.

As you already know my name is The Edge and I'm a newly emerging artist in the pop music scene. I knew I wanted to become an artist from a young age due to my love and fascination for pop music. I got my inspiration for this single through the artist Robbie Williams and wanted to replicate the legacy he had left with his crowd of fans. 


I was born around the outskirts of East London but later on moved to Essex at around 7 years old. I started off at an infant school in London but moved to another one in Essex, I went to secondary school and did my GCSEs (I went and got a 9 in music!). Then after I had completed year 11, I went and attended a music college where I developed my partnership with Sony music and later on made me become the artist I am today. 

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